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Anthony Vealé

Professional Research Assistant
Campus Box 389
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309-0389
Office: Stadium 124B
Phone: (303)492-0851
Email: veale@casa.Colorado.EDU


This page is still under construction.
Last upated: $Date: 2005/02/21 00:24:58 $.

Can you tell that I am using RCS to enter the revision dates automatically?

I am one of the computer system administrators for the Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy ( CASA ) here at the University of Colorado at Boulder . The other is Janet Shaw, who currently doesn't have a home page. Tsk, tsk.

You can look at a small collection of my

Hiking the Bright Angel Trail in the Grand Canyon.

Everyone needs something weird in their life, so take a look at my Refrigerator Door Magnets page. If I can keep the old one working long enough I will have a new UI up sometime.

UPDATE: After we first broadcast this story a viewer phoned in a tip....

Actually, I was looking at the CASA homepage and I realized that the image replacement capability of Javascript 1.1 was just what I needed. So after a little over a of week of hacking, I am pleased to announce the Javascript version of the Updated Refrigerator Door Magnets.

Unfortunately, I am only sure that this works with Netscape 3 and better. It is possible that version 4 of MSIE will use Javascript 1.1, but I don't have it available to test.

There is a list of phrases that visitors have submitted to the page. (I figured I had better link it here because the fridge page is somewhat slow in loading. They may be small gifs, but there are a lot of them.)