Ever seen those kids' magnets shaped like letters? Well, my brother has and he keeps a bunch on 'em on his refrigerator. Visitors are invited to look upon the arcane phrases thereupon and to attempt to modify them to their heart's content.
So I decided that the World Wide Web needed to have this available to it. Hence the birth of the Refrigerator Door Magnets page.
(Did Mr. Phelps ever refuse an impossible mission?)
The page that you are looking at is meant to represent a refrigerator door and stuck to the door is a set of those plastic magnets shaped like letters. You want to move the letters around on the door to make words and phrases. Then when you are happy with your work, you can make your work permanent. (At least until the next person changes it.)
How to move letters
There are two modes of operation on the Refrigerator Door Magnets Page-- Letter and Word. You select which mode you want by clicking on the radio buttons at the top of the screen.
In Letter mode, you point the mouse cursor at a letter on the door and click. This picks up the letter and puts it into your hand at the top of the page. Then you point the mouse cursor at some other space on the door and click again. This puts the letter in your hand at that place on the door. If you were pointing at a second letter when you click, that letter is put into your hand to be moved elsewhere.
In Word mode, you point at a letter and click. All the letters from there until the next space to the right or the right edge of the door are moved to your hand. Then you point somewhere else and click to place the word there. As in Letter mode if you are pointing at another word the second will end up in your hand.
If the word you are placing won't fit because there are letters in the way, those letters will get shoved off to the right to make room.
What is a phrase?
The Refrigerator Door Magnets Page recognizes a phrase as a set of letters, generally in the center of the door, and separated from the rest of the letters by a couple of spaces.
The technical definition, in case you are having trouble isolating your phrase, is this:
The Check Phrase button tries to recognize the phrase according to the above rules. It puts the results into the current phrase box and it also calculates the Scrabble® score for that phrase.
Saving your work
The Send button at the bottom of the page sends the changes you have made back to my host to modify the Fridge Door. You have some options when you do this.
First, you could just go to another link via bookmarks or the "Back" button. Any changes you made will be lost.
Second, you can send the changes to the door without saving the phrase in my log of phrases. The next visitor will see your door, but as soon as anyone saves a change, your phrase will be lost. This is the default action for Send.
Lastly, you could click on the button for "Save the door and put this phrase in the log" and then Send which will fill in the current phrase and Scrabble® score and will save your phrase and score in my log of phrases along with the date and the name you specify.
If you haven't entered a name when you Send, you will be prompted for one. If you leave it blank at this point, "anon" will be entered.
P.S. to the name field. Anything between '<' and '>' will be removed from the name field automatically, so please don't submit HTML in the name field.
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